TankGrrl - Annotations On Life

February 05, 2004   (You probably expected to be here.)
  Dear Conservative Americans,  

Sending kids in America (especially little girls who'll have enough society-inflicted body image issues as it is) a message that breasts are shameful and must never be seen is no better than Muslim women being forced to cover their face. So all you self-righteous pompous prats who were deriding the burka or hijab as being backwards or uncivilised or barbaric, take a good look in the mirror. It's the same thing. Both things send a clear message that women and their bodies are shameful.

So get the fuck over it!
It was just a fucking breast (and it wasn't even the whole thing). The rest of the world has been looking at them for ages, and it ain't their repressed kids who are shooting up their schools. Sorry, but it's true. Put that in your pipe, kept out in the garage with the hidden Playboys, and smoke on it a while, Ward Cleaver. And if anyone else whines "ooooh, how am I supposed to explaaaain it to a chiiiild... they won't understaaaand..." It's a fucking breast! It's there to feed babies! It takes a grownup to make it a sexual issue. And how would you explain the Janet Jackson thing? You wouldn't have to. It wouldn't have happened if not for your hysterical moralism. If it weren't made out to be something shameful, it would have no shock value.

Jackson and Timberlake are to blame for using your hysteria to promote themselves. You have only yourselves to blame for everything else.

Posted by Maggie at February 05, 2004 11:21 AM Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

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